Grammar Links with Reviews

Take a look at the following sites, with the corresponding review. Most of these sites are free and offer a tremendous wealth of information to teach and learn grammar and punctuation.

Track QR Codes Technology Tips for Classroom Teachers. This site provides tools and tutorials for both teachers and students. Students enjoy the webquests and activities.
Online Reading Comprehension ReadTheory - The best online reading comprehension exercises on the web.
G.E.D Didn't finish high school, no worries. Come get your G.E.D. and get that job that you need.
Reading Comprehension Worksheets Reading Comprehension Worksheets Reading comprehension and vocabulary worksheets for high school and college level.
Extra Worksheets Extra Worksheets Links to worksheets on various topics.
Online Grammar Handbook Online Grammar Handbook Good resource for teaching and learning writing.
Learn English Online Free online English lessons and Exercises. Our English lessons will improve your reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. Great for use in class or at home.
California Teacher Credentialing California Teacher Credentialing Research the California credentialing procedures as well as find degree programs that will help you meet your career goals.
Online U.S. Citizenship Practice Tests Take free online U.S. Citizenship practice tests here. Our test simulates the real U.S. Citizenship test and is a great way to study in class or at home.
Free Printable English Worksheets High quality free English worksheets on reading comprehension, parts of speech, spelling, matching, vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms, phonics, verb tenses, and more.
Connecting Students with Online Schools If you'd like to improve your circumstances but need to keep your 9-5 job, why not take online classes and move ahead in your career?
ESL Employment ESLemployment If you are looking for a job in the field of teaching English as a second language, visit this site. Free
GED Get that job you deserve with the GED that you need! Earn your high school equivalence. Get your GED with Jefferson High School Online, and get that job you deserve!

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